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The truth is that I don't like NTR, and I admit that I downloaded it without reading xd. But what I want to say is that I liked the fact that by avoiding H NTR scenes the game had become more difficult by avoiding the ntr so I liked it to the point that I couldn't avoid it no matter what I did... If you could continue That mechanic as a detail of the game would be great. But otherwise it is a very good game.

 (Just because I don't like it doesn't make it a bad game, for those who like it it's a very good game, I admit that I even continued playing it for the arts)


Where can i find the walk-through for this game


Hey empe3 i was just wondering how you use some of the key items after you get them like the slime lure and also how you complete the strangers quest for the gem not sure where you have to go to find it the only place i can think of is karls mansion but it doesn't let me go back there


the slime lure is needed in the sewers where you fight the slime king it is the room beforethe boss' one that will give you a ring wich you will have to take to the blacksmith after you talk to the stranger so you can take out the gem but dont ask me about the reward that the stranger gives you i have it and its... *BIG BAD SPOILER FOR SOME PEOPLE*...armor i think its called arcana something but i tried to equip it on sana, garret, karl, fief and me and nop did not work


Thanks for the info i was able to figure out the rest now just have to wait for the rest of the bunny club place to open up


Hey empe3, I have some ideas that you could put in the game, I think many may like it or not...

My idea is the following: an option could be implemented in the game where we only control Sana and we can choose which path she follows (this option can be added after defeating the final boss or even at the beginning where the player will have the choice)

Along with this option, the possibility of her getting pregnant could also be included, playing with Sana, there could be a new counter in her status, a counter for pregnancy and births that she would have, but knowing that in the game, every time she gets pregnant, the rebumina game could be placing an ability that creates a false memory in Anno's mind where he will not know that she is pregnant and can proceed with my idea, also having another ability seller where the player can change the chance of pregnancy from 0% to 100%, Just one more idea and what I think would be really cool to have in the game.

 Thanks for reading my idea, Keep improving your game, you do great!


Hi, is there a way to keep track on Sana lewdness?


Hi Thyke!

We put a status screen that gives you an idea about Sana's... 'progression' into the game already, just this public version is currently a little behind.


Is there a walkthrough for the game? I'm having trouble figuring out what I'm supposed to be doing next


There actually is! But I'm not sure if we have one that matches the current public build. I'll look into it later today and add it if I find a matching version.


How do you move the slime from the cave entrance in the monster town?


The slime is blocking off the entrance to an upcoming scene. Nothing there yet!


Im so excited for this game, any plans for android?


I've tried to do an Android release before.

What people have told me is that it's actually easier to just play the normal game on an emulator on your phone instead of getting an Android version to work properly.


Oh ok, thank you


Hi Empe, I'm HappyGoomba, I tried to reach you on discord but I couldn't send you a message. I was trying to reply to your question, if you want send me a friend request there and I'll reply to you. 


anything new about pregnancy contents ?


Pregnancy stuff is not a focus but it does make an appearance in the current subscriber build.

Deleted 129 days ago

Yep. But that's in the subscriber build, I wasn't going to mention it here yet!


spoiler alert kinda: how do I get the window cleaning scene/yard scene?


It unlocks automatically as a roaming event after finishing Karl's Mansion.

Deleted 148 days ago

Thank you so much! Also love your work!


Where's the tutorial area again? I noticed you said something about following Sana's mother, but I can't for the life of me find it.


It sounds like you've fallen for an april fools joke! Sana's mom can be quite the trickster!




can you add a map or something that tells/shows you where to go next? I keep getting lost and I can't progress the game.


How do I open the gallery?


One of the buildings in the first town, close to the Adventurer's Guild.


there is no way to download the game! normally there a windows, apple, or a linux version so you can download the game but there are none so i can't download it!!! Can someone tell if there is another way or if someone could fix it?


The tags for the operation system were missing, sorry about that. They're added now.

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you so much! Have a great day and I love your game


Well there be an android version of the game


I know a couple people are playing it on android already. Apparently it is very easy to emulate so there didn't seem to be a need for an android release.


How do you emulate?


How do you emulate it in android

(1 edit) (+1)

I've been told Joiplay works very well, but I can't confirm it myself.

For the next release i'll just add an Android version, that's better than having to do software recommendations.


JOI emulator  its on the google playstore but the patreon version works better


Love the new lewds, one question though, is there no way to finish the tasks?

I'm at -600 demoncoins already, it just doesn't stop

I did the two days off before finishing the debt, so is that the cause?

If it is than can it be fixed in save editor, change some event to 0?

Or is this the end of the build so far, if it is kinda sucks being stuck in that loop without being able to go do the other events before the mansion...

Can't wait for the full release to buy it, but take your time to do all the things you want to add, what's worse than waiting is waiting less but getting a worse game because of our impatience.


Também tive esse mesmo problema, você conseguiu resolver??


Both a popup when you try to enter as well as the readme file thats packed with the game warn you that you will be unable to leave once inside! If you didn't keep a save outside the mansion (as the game tells you to do) then I fear you ran into a dead end.


Ooohhh, I missed the warning

I thought after finishing the tasks it would let you leave

My bad...

Still would've been nice to have that option, but it's fine.


This game have a end alr?


Nope, is a demo


If hypothetically you make multiple endings, will the "happy" ending be more favourable for Sana (they continue as a couple or something) or for the protagonist (he meets another woman XD) i think about this while I eat 

Will you put more decisions into the game? For example, you can choose to help or not the green lizard looking woman (I forgot her name) and maybe that will change events or the story of something 

Sorry for bad English

(8 edits) (+7)(-1)

I am not the creator. But have asked similar questions, and thought that maybe I can give answer what I have gathered about it.

There will be 4 different endings, depending on how 'corrupt' Sana is:
Somewhat wholesome
Bad ending 
Very, very bad ending
So in order to get the 'wholesome' scene, you need to do your best and avoid all sex scenes and 'pretend' it doesn't happen when you can. 

And Fief (the crocodile lady) is pretty essential. The choice here is to ignore at the tavern scene.

I hope it helped somewhat.
( But I guess i didn't).


Thanks man, it does help a little


I got downvoted? Oh, ok, I guess it wasn't to any help. My apologizes.


me sirve


Dunno, this game is essencially ntr so even some options you cannot choose and it is a part of the ntr experience, it's well writting tho, if you play any other h-game with ntr it's just repetitive or boring


New update ?


I really love this game from the Demo. I know their will be multiple endings but will the main story scenes change depending on Sana's lewd level (I'm assuming that only goes up from the green poison/gas that hits Sana in the various chapters)

Also will more roaming scenes (the hidden lewds that aren't in the gallery) be added either to previous towns or even to the final area based on Sana's lewd level. I kinda like that if you make Sana more lewd she does more with background characters and people who were harassing her start to either do lewd stuff with her or she kinda dirty talks back assertively.

Even having those added in updates after the full game comes out that reuse assets with different scenarios/dialogue would be awesome based off the ones in Town 3


The poison traps increase her corruption but so does almost everything else. Some main story scenes do change a little bit, for example when Sana meets Kuma for the first time she has a more suggestive dialogue.

The actual hidden lewds weren't very popular, we did get complaints that they were too hard to find and not viewable in the gallery. But it's fun to create so I'll keep doing them anyway.


Nah hidden lewds are the best when you find them. Maybe consider showing a small disclaimer telling you that it's hidden? I always like to stumble upon things like that.


Will those other games also have multiple endings (good endings)? I understand if you yourself want to make pure NTR games, and I will most likely still play them. But I personally like the concept that one can make a pure route. Actually focusing in trying to avoid a bad ending. (Or a very bad ending.. Honestly, your description of the very bad ending is scaring me).

And dumb question, if it is the case, you don't have to answer.  These next games, I guess you will announce it on Subscribstar and upload it here on itch?


Depends a little how it will be received. If people enjoy the way we implemented multiple endings then we can do it again. If not we will have to think of something else. I also think good endings are useful to give the bad endings more contrast and meaning!

We also plan to keep on using SubStar & itch for everything, yes.

One question, do you think in the future you will add animations to the 2D scenes apart from those made with the RPGMaker models? (just in case I’m wondering how far I’ve progressed, I haven’t seen any with animation that is with 2D drawings) and then will you add a gallery or is there already one? If it’s not a bother to ask

My artist did express interest in doing animations! I decided against it because it ups the effort drastically and this is our first game after all so I want to keep it simple in that regard.

You can find a gallery in the first town, top left area next to the adventurers guild.

ok I’m glad well if it’s no bother to ask this and if in the future you were to make another game and you already have experience some time after finishing this one or you are already interested, would you make an update with the animations or a remake? Would you do it? I know it’s a pain to ask. I also know that the remake is a lot of work, but I still wanted to clear up my doubt and I’m sorry if there is a spelling mistake, my English is more or less I understand something and the truth is, but also see if someone can translate the game. because there are some words that are difficult to translate even if you know basic English.

We would try doing animations with one or two scenes first and see if people like it before we decided to have them as an actual feature.

There is a little 15-minute story we released on here, called Fluffy Neighbours. It was a learning project to see what it would even be like to make these types of games. That one might be worth of a remake in the future in order to turn it into a real game. We could make it into a kitchen management game, that might be fun. But that's really far off! After Sana, we already have two other games planned first.

Of course, of course, go at your own pace and about the game mentioned, I already played it, I hope your skills improve with respect to how you do your luck in the future in the following projects.

One last question is about the game, I was stuck in the part of Karl’s mansion, I think it’s called that, and after the scene of taking the day, I continued accumulating debt and I don’t know how to advance or if the recent update ends there.

(1 edit)

It ends there. Before you go in the guards warn you that it's unfinished and you will not be able to leave!

I have a doubt .I paid for My Girlfriend Advanced to Dancer A few minutes later and it leaves the page... I don't see it in my library. Do you know if it goes to my email?


According to itchio's support page you are supposed to get a unique link from an email and use that to add it to your own library.

But the picture seems to be from the unlisted page I use for SubStar and Fanbox - maybe because it's a hidden project, it can't be added to a library list? I'm not sure!

Hello friend, I came back to say that it appeared in the library, thank you for your attention:)


Is there a date to purchase the next update? 


Not yet! We decided on putting much more stuff into act 4 so the 'final' release on here is a little delayed. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Is the chest in the bottom left corner of the mines accessible?

Also, when Fief says to "come back to the mines" for a second quest, is that implemented yet?


The chest is currently inaccessible! You might find a way to reach it later.

A second trip to the mines is currently not in and I'm not sure if it will be made! Fief is currently busy causing mischief in act 4 instead.


how do you continue the act 1 competition?


Visit the house again after defeating each dungeon boss.


Will the hidden scenes (If there will be more in the future) be added to the gallery? It is a bit annoying to have a save for each one.


Do you mean the roaming scenes? The gallery should eventually have everything fully re-watchable.

The actual 'hidden' scenes, i.e. what happens at the card table in act 3, I plan to leave out of the gallery. There's also not that many of them.


How can I watch that scene in act 3? Since it is not going to be added to the roaming scenes then to make a save for it so I can watch it whenever I want to.


replaying scene for orc scouting 1 just plays a black screen you can't move past but can still open the menu btw. also, there's a card table somewhere? only place i can think of is the house with the fence but i haven't found any way to enter if there even is.


Does that mean the roaming scenes will be viewable in the gallery with all of the dialogue intact, or just as a series of static images as it currently is?

Also AAAAAAA there are HIDDEN hidden scenes? Oh god I'm going to go insane trying to find them. How many are in the game already?


there is as far as i know only 2. both in town 3 and they need sana's lewdness to be very high

when will the next update come out? I really enjoy things so far

The next update on here will be the finished version and I can't really tell yet! We're still adding a lot of stuff to act 4.

Oh? I thought it was already on patreon? huh, well, my mistake

do u think u could make a save with the gallery for ppl who just wanna see the porn?

wow, this game is crazy

(3 edits) (+1)

any plans to make currently (or any future) unavoidable scenes avoidable? i know the point of the game is ntr, but since the idea of a good ending is being floated around i'd find it interesting if all the non-roaming scenes were avoidable. of course doing so would lock you out of the more lewd roaming scenes like it does currently.
also will the mention of beast girl nature brought up by kuma be elaborated on?

edit: also also, are all the empty spaces in the gallery room ones i'm actually missing or just placeholders? (whats empty is 5 for each town, back wall for second town. i know the other 3 boss are empty, but should there be only 4 7 and 4 filled for the roaming scene spots?


Currently some scenes are completely avoidable and some are "you didn't see it so it might not have happened" like the poison dart related stuff in the second town. I personally quite like when it's done that way, bad things happen (or do they?) but you don't know unless you load a save to check both options.  I understand that it can ruin the fun for people who like to do purist playthroughs but it's what I like more.

The "beast girl" stuff plays a pretty important role! No spoilers.

For the gallery, most of it is placeholders. I'm also a little bit inconsistent when I sometimes bunch up multiple scenes into one NPC. I was thinking to just visually overhaul it at the end when everything is done but I feel like filling up the empty spots with more scenes is more fun.

(1 edit) (+1)

fair enough. i'll just go by "if it doesn't clearly raise the hidden lewdness stat, it didn't happen the same way as the other, stat raising option, or it's 100% obvious it did happen (orc camp)."

also fair enough. can't wait for the story to be finished

alright, i just hope i'm not missing anything, though it seems everything unlocks through doing every h scene.

thank you for answering

Does anyone know when the version will be released to the public, the wait is driving me crazy

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm a casual NTR consumer. I've enjoyed the lewds thus far and think the game is pretty awesome.

That being said, I've got a save where Sana is super lewd and one where I actually did grind out to get to Act 3 and avoided what seemed to be avoidable corruption (Anon getting poisoned still results in Feif snatching Sana). Is there any point to keeping her lewd level low or are these options just a time waster? Is there a better potential ending for Anon and Sana if she doesn't cheat (as much)? More scenes? Etc.


It will eventually result in a good ending but generally you get a lot less content if you keep Sana pure.


That's why I made multiple saves. Lol.

It also makes the game much more challenging as powers are linked to H-scenes.

My condolences to the dev, but I think this is also an opportunity for you to pay more attention to the previous towns


Please tell me there is a good ending, i'm ngl I cried 3 days and refused to to go to work just because of this game


A good ending is a bit of a tall order but our hero Anon wll try his best to achieve it.

me estoy volviendo loco con la espera de este juego


While I mostly enjoy the overall concept and the art, it's really sloppy on scene side (and combat tbh but I'm willing to ignore it). Average 5 sentences per scene is very few and feels more like whole thing is a throwaway gag: "haha, anon got his gf raped/stolen again, moving on". Wish there was way more writing and staging going on especially as most scenes do deserve it. 


The scenes being too short is something a lot of people brought up! I'm trying to improve that aspect and I believe it's gotten better with recent updates.


Just wondering if there is a cheat menu somewhere, cause i don't really want to grind for gold and kinda want the best gear from the get go. Would make me happy if you replied :)


There are no cheats in the game currently but combat isn't difficult and there is no real need for equipment!

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